• Aeronaut: Nomadic peoples who travel by flight.
  • Architects: God.
  • Dead Engine: Combat Puppet built around a Pseudo corpse.
  • Float Pack: Wearable machine that facilitates limited flight/hovering.
  • Free Burning: Combusting red blood outside of an engine, pryokinesis.
  • Greenrot: Pseudo terminology for plants.
  • Hum: Psionic field passively emmitted by everything.
  • Interface: Red blood connection passing information between Pseudos and/or machines.
  • Mental Leak: Thoughts passively transmitting into psionics, which can be read by others.
  • Pseudo: Abbreviation of Pseudohuman.
  • Pseudohuman: Human-like organism with horns and magical powers.
  • Psiohematic: The ability for blood to influence psionics.
  • Psionic: Invisible fields of energy and information.
  • Puppet: Machines that control most of the world, bleed red blood(?).
  • Operator: Pseudo with red blood, uses blood to interface with machines and pseudos.
  • Shell: Widely used beige ceramic material.
  • Shell Frame: Mechanised armour fitted for a Pseudohuman user.
  • Technopsionic: Technology that uses psionics.
  • Witch: Pseudo with blue blood, has telekinesis and telepathy.