


While bearing a resemblence to real-world humans, Pseudohumans (or pseudos) differ in several characteristics, most notably in their horns and psiohematic abilities. The horns are a pair of psio-sensory organs closely tied to the nervous and circulatory system, which serve as the primary means by which pseudos recieve and transmit psionic signals.
Pseudos broadly divide into 2 types: red-blooded "Operators" and blue-blooded "Witches". These types are inhereted at birth, but can be transitioned between through a lengthy process.


Pseudos have lived alongside Puppets throughout history, and as such have trouble differentiating between nature and technology. Puppet tech is as old as the land itself, growing and self-replicating in a similar way to plants, animals, and fungus. They see themselves as machines, with as much purpose or lack thereof as the Puppets they share their blood with.
Most technology is salvaged or developed from Puppets, so pseudos have never had the need to place a high value on scientific research; their time is better spent looking for technologies that already exist in the "natural" world.



The more common type of pseudohuman, they have red blood which contains and conducts powerful psionic energy through itself. This allows Operators to power and control certain technologies when connected to their bloodstream, using robotics, computers, or sensors as if they were extensions of their own bodies. Most Operators wear a device called an interface, a contained system contantly connected to their circulatory system, which provides power and simplifies connections to other machines. While lacking any remote psionic abilities, if blood outside their body can physically connect to their circulatory system they can telekinetically control that blood, and pass telepathic signals from one body into another.


Less common than Operators, possessing blue blood which allows psionic energy to flow through it. This gives Witches the ability to channel psionic energy into telekinetic abilities, moving objects or even themselves in a sort of flight. The flow of psionics through their bodies also gives them telepathic abilities, sensing the thought and feelings of those around them in a relentless noise. With practice, Witches can direct their own psionic signals to others, transmitting information or controlling minds. Their psionic exposure also gives them glimpses, limited insight into the past, futures, and world around them.