
[N - Red Blood - Commander]
Hot-headed commander of the Away Team. Decisive, disciplined, and capable, Gabriel would have all the natural skills to be an outstanding leader if he could control her temper and distrust of others.
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[F - Red Blood - Engineer]
Field engineer with no social skills and a particular talent for machine interfacing. Ulysses almost regrets abandoning her comfortable job inside the Bureau to take up her position on the Katun, finding herself unsuited to long ground excursions and mediocre living conditions. Not to mention the coworkers.
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[M - Blue Blood - Tactician]
A recently turned witch working for the Bureau, still adapting to his new body. He uses psionics to extrapolate knowledge for use in planning, but has yet to develop his other powers. Diplomatic and honest, Ingram mediates his teammates to varying success.
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[N - Red Blood - Scout]
Talented but unambitious scout with unusual psionic attunement for a red blood. Sig joined the Katun to get away from the sea platforms they grew up on, hoping to see more of the world. Struggling deeply with socialising, they have become exceedingly good at being alone.
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[F- Blue Blood - Specialist]
A nomadic witch in employment of the Katun. Coral's true allegiance is not with the Bureau, but her flight and telekinesis, attuned since childhood, make her invaluable. She respects expertise more than authority, but her fleeting nature makes forming real bonds difficult.
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[F - Red Blood - Coordinator]
Operations coordinator. Nettle tries not to let her high position in the Bureau turn her to cold authority, but struggles to balance her ideals with her duties.

[M - Red Blood - Captain]
The captain of the landship "the Fate of Katun", Mu has to restrain a bubbly and inquisitive personality that is often at odds with his rank. He is generally very trusting and dislikes arguing, but will always assert himself when the ship is at stake.

[N - Red Blood - Doctor]
The ship's reclusive doctor. ??? is not a member of the Bureau, employed instead by an independant medical organisation. Their neutrality and perspective leads them to care far more about the wellbeing of the team than their objectives.

[M - Red Blood - Shipmaster]
Head of logistics and management for the Katun. ??? is deceptively cunning and meticulous, which makes him excellent at his job, but also manifests into a cynical and antisocial personality.


[F - Red Blood]
One of Sig's only childhood friends. Els recommended Sig to the Bureau, jumpstarting their new life. Also bears a bizzare resemblance to them.