Miscellaneous Drawings

Various pieces I like or find relevant to my personal progression. I have been making digital art since 2017, when I started teaching myself how to use a small drawing tablet. I've since changed both my program and my hardware, but still never got any actual tutoring.
The images here are presented in chronological order, from newest to oldest, with notes attached to describe any thoughts, feelings, or notable circumstances surrounding the piece. More new and old art to be added.


2024 02 18
Ray's shell-frame. Since his first iteration, Ruby, Ray has always had a set of powered armour. The proportions do not match a human's because her hands and feet terminate inside the limbs, with mechanical versions extended ahead of them.
This version is a large departure from the last, the shaping and colouring is particularly divergent, taking heavy inspiration from the Vermillion from "Rahxephon". It is also one of the first pieces in years to be rendered with a variable opacity brush.

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2024 02 10
Mu not wearing anything. His design is inspired by what was at the time, the most attractive boy I'd ever met, which I think comes across in images like this.


2024 01 25
Ulysses washed ashore. The uniform is the original concept version, which was deemed too visually complex to keep using. This became the inspiration for an unfinished short story, which in turn became a draft for the later parts of Psiohematic: Stage 1.


2023 11 23
Sig working at a desk. Very different from my usual subject matter, barring Sig of course. This was supposed to be the inside of an airship; Sig is typing up some report for whatever reason on a keyboard inspired by my own. Electrical displays do not exist in this setting.
I'd like to do more drawings like this. I enjoy adding in all the little details, it opens up far kinds of expression than just drawing an individual character.


2023 11 22
Annika embracing a wounded Sig. These two have always been lovers in every rendition, since about 2019. I think the relationship between them feels tangible here, despite the drawing's flaws.


2023 10 27
Sig wearing the intial draft of the scout uniform. This is the concept from which all the current designs stem from. At the time I was playing a lot of Death Stranding, hence the raincoat-cape and chest thingy.


2023 08 23
A redraw of a much worse piece from 2018, of the character that eventually became Ray. It's also one of the best drawings I did in my older style, when I used a 2px unaliased square brush for everything. The bright coloured light is very iconic to that period for me.
The wire on their nose (definitely inspired by Dune) is a neural interface; it has a long spike which runs straight up into their brain. This character is an angel, which mostly meant they have blue blood and can make magical fire.


2023 03 18
A redraw of file 23 from 2018: a drawing I kept meaning to come back to, but never did until 5 years later. Not only did I finally finish his legs, but I improved every other aspect, from line confidence and colouring, to composition and proportion. This depicts an early version of what became Io.


2023 03 15
Depiction of an apricot. Probably the best drawing I've made of another person. Some things are best not reflected on.


2022 10 15
Ray in powered armour, standing on a hill. For a time this was my favourite work; the drawing is unusually well finished. I particularly like the blood: the splashes feel realistic, the drops on the sword look viscous, and the trail leading from the foreground combines with the wide background to create an uncomfortable disconnect with the subject. Or at least I think it does.
The design has some interesting qualities. At this time, Ray was strongly associated with the colour orange, and had a halo for some reason. You may notice her human legs sticking out the back of the knees, this was the workaround I came up with for having long mechanical legs. It helps the suit feel more like something you drive than wear.


2022 02 18
An old room I used to inhabit inside the worst house I've ever lived in. I moved in during the lockdown with my at the time girlfriend as it was the only place we could afford that would let to a student and an unemployed person. It was small, terribly built, and smelled like the burned meat from the shop below. I left on my own, graduated, and never looked back.
There are 2 gunpla on the bedside, which helped me through a rough period. A piece of card protects them from any sunlight that slipped past the shutters. The bed is characteristically unmade, with clothes on top to help me "nest". Beside is a huge crack in the plaster which I named Andy Wallhole.
The room was actually smaller than it appears here, I'm just bad at perspective.


2021 10 18
Sheep drawn from reference. Uncharacteristically good for my ability at the time. I'm particularly fond of the second, where I took a looser, less realistic approach to painting the fur.

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2020 08 06
Camille, who would later become Ulysses. Around the start of lockdown I drew a considerable number of nude characters, often from reference, and improved my anatomy a lot as a result.
While I did design Camille years before this, she does bear a resemblance to my ex from then, a likely outcome of only looking at 1 person for 6 months.

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2017 10 28
Very early drawings of Amaryllis, Leo, and Ruby: the characters that directly evolved into Io, Ulysses, and Ray (the protagonists of Psiohematic: Stage 1). The hair styles and broad personalities stayed, but little else. I seemingly did not realise I could draw non-white characters at the time, which is deeply embarassing.
Back then I was following Youtube tutorials, which is why they look better than most of my faces from that time. I'm not entirely sure why I stopped using tutorials so long ago.